DreamMaker Christmas Gift Tags
October 14, 2024 | 4months | General
This Christmas we have more kids than ever registered with our small charity.
We are super grateful to the local businesses that have taken our DreamMaker Gift Tags.
If you have a business, salon, office, or school that would like to get involved, call us on 01698 372052.
if you have taken a gift tag from one of our trees, heres what to do.
1. Choose a tag with a childs age.
2. Purchase an item or items for that child (you can wrap or gift bag but you dont need too) Make sure
you put the childs gender and age on your gift,
3.Take your gift back to the place you chose it from.
4. We will collect all the gifts by Friday 15th December.
Gifts can be as much or as little as you want, a selection box means just as much as lego or a gift voucher
and we really appreciate any donations.
If you need any more information please give us a call on 01698 372052 and Angela and Laura will be happy
to help you.
THANK YOU Team DreamMaker